Everything You Need to Know About Netflix’s Arthurian Drama “Cursed”

The foremost thing you will come to figure out about Cursed is its looks. It is genuinely different from many of the fantasy shows available out there. The trailer of Cursed shows the shots of the pristine lake that has a mountainous view from all sides. The camera dived under the water as soon as a figure of a woman appeared out through the water surface. Suddenly an arrow strikes her torso and digs there, no sooner the blood starts to appear on the water surface, and you can see her breathing asymmetrically. The images might be mesmerizing as well as disturbing for some viewers, and there are chances that the phrase “Before Arthur, the King, the Sword of Power chose a Queen.” which will appear on the screen, might get missed by you at that instance.

More About Cursed

By now you might already have guessed that the hero of this new Arthurian drama is actually a heroine named Nimue. Katherine Langford has played the role of Nimue in this show. Nimue receives the title of the canonical Lady of the Lake. In the drama, you will see her fearsome powers of magic that have made her ostracized by her village society.

Cursed begins with an unspeakable tragedy. After the dispute with her mom, Nimue tried a lot but she failed to catch a ship which would have taken her miles away from her home. She returns to her village, with one of her most loyal mates Pym (whose role has been played by Lily Newmark), As soon as she comes back to her village, she finds that a brutal slaughter of her villagers was going on. She finds Red Paladin wiping out her species. By the time she figures out everything, the Fey have already given intense damage to her peaceful community. She sees the dying villagers, homes on fire, and women that were getting dragged away from their native places.

Her most loyal friend suddenly disappears. She tries to find her mother, and by the time she figures her out, she sees that she is severely wounded. Even after getting injured, her mother was clutching a sword wrapped with a cloth. She handed the sword to her daughter, asking her to take it to Merlin because it was the only option that was now left.

Those last words by her mother left Nimue puzzled. Some questions were consistently hitting her mind. Why was her mother carrying a sword? Why did she ask her to take it to Merlin? Was she connected to Merlin and why? And she gets a strong feeling that why should she trust someone in this kind of matter?

The female character in the lead role has no doubt helped Cursed to attain positive reviews from the viewers, but a more significant reason for Cursed to get widespread attention is that it portrays an eye-catching version of Arthurian England. You will see so many redesigned images of real or imagined past. Epic scenes like, the stunning leaves of emerald, saturated colors that bring a completely different vision, more blue skies, a strong narrative where Nimue is leading those individuals with whom she has lived like an outcast, her whole life. She portrays a real-life hero who is now on a mission to save lives. However, she does have guilt that she abandoned her people when they needed her the most.


You might not find Cursed as one of the most serious shows among the list, but you will hardly find shows that are up to the level of Cursed. You will very rarely find shows that are this much satisfying and solidly built. It is awe-inspiring to see a female lead who is not having a quest of only finding a partner or dealing with some problems like other shows. Cursed is one of those rare shows that has a story more solidly scripted and characters that have more rough personalities. Cursed is a blend of all the essential elements that are required to make an excellent fantasy drama.

Source: Everything You Need to Know About Netflix’s Arthurian Drama “Cursed”